
All Healing Skills Of A Wow Healer

Always some players choose as a healer in world of warcraft,but there are some players even do not know how to make full use of their skills,even do not know what skills they have.Making some wow gold in wow is not enough,you must possess some skills and then you can survive in the game.Next,I list all healing skills for you if you were the healer.

Healing and moving. It is one of the most basic skills, and yes, there are spells where you need to stand still and heal. But there are going to be times where your healing targets are kiting something or have to keep moving. Shannox is a good example of this. Either have a prearranged idea of where your tanks and other targets are going, or you'd better learn how to close the distance gap in order to heal them.

Priority healing.It refers to the ability to target the players around you who are under the biggest threat of dying. For example, you might have a player at 10% health after taking a large AOE hit, followed by a tank who's taking a continual beating from the boss that he's tanking with his health floating at 45%.

Mana management. Knowing when to conserve mana is another aspect that comes with time and practice. If you made the right choices earlier on about which spells to use and which targets to heal, then you'll be in a solid shape for the future. Don't triple-shift and heal the same person. Don't use a fast heal when a slow one would work. Don't burn a bomb heal when a HOT spell can do the job.

Stuff that kills healers and tanks. Having an in-depth knowledge of what can destroy the raid and what can't allows you to plan your positioning and spell use accordingly. Maybe there's a phase when you don't have to stress heal as much, and can afford to sit back and regenerate a little bit. By being prepared and knowing what to expect, you can deal with the threats easily.

Cooldown spells. Now, this can go one of two possible ways. Either your raid leader coordinates healing cooldowns as needed , or you're given full discretion on when and where to use them. Cooldown usage requires twitchy reflexes. You're not always going to know in advance when to use any kind of tank survival spells.  Overall raiding cooldowns can be a headache since it can fall to the raid leader to decide when it needs to be used. On the other hand, maybe it ends up being a dynamic encounter and you're given free control over when to use your spells. Check with your leaders if you're unsure. It pays to have full knowledge of what you're up again.

Willingness to bail players out. Sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut and your ego in check. Yes, I get that there are always going to be players who don't learn and continually expose themselves to dangers that they shouldn't otherwise be doing. Swallow your pride and do what you can to heal them . Let your leaders take care of them after the attempt is over. If someone's consistently playing poorly, you need to alert your leaders or tell the players yourself . When you're in the battlefield healing, there is no such thing as fair. Sometimes you just need to heal idiots so you can get through to the end of the tunnel. If you can't keep them alive, move on to the next person.

Burst healing .I would define this as the ability to dump a high amount of healing per second on to one or multiple targets. You need to know what set or sequence of healing spells will cause the most healing in a short amount of time. If the tank had 5 seconds to live, what spells in what order could be used to shoot him back up again? Baleroc is a great example of this.

Well,the list if you read careful you will benefit much,get a well performance and then wow gold and levels will not the troubles again. If you want to get more detail news and information about world of warcraft ,you can read more in our website. Wishes you have a good time!
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