
The municipal party committee propaganda department, municipal judicial bureau in this city publicity about launching legal education of the sixth five-year plan

A guiding ideology,
High the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take deng xiaoping theory and the http://www.wow-gold-team.com/ (wow gold) important thought of "three represents" as a guide, thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development, focus on the construction of democracy and the rule of law, accelerate the overall situation closely around the "four takes the lead in", speed up the construction of the "four center" and socialist modernization international metropolis of target, adapted to open, transparent, and information society public opinion environment, to adhere to the people-oriented, close to reality, to life and to the masses, foster the demand, service first, focus on strengthening the concept of guidance, focuses on practice, carry out in-depth publicity of legal system education, further to govern the city, the publicity of legal system education further play in promoting rule by law, and build consensus, maintain the http://www.flywowgold.com/ (wow gold) stability, promote harmonious positive role for this city, economic, political, cultural, and social comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development to make the new contribution.

Two, work target
Through a new round of five years of the publicity of legal system education, carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, strengthen their values and this city the general public especially http://www.85wowgold.com/ (wow gold) leading cadres at all levels of rule of law consciousness and legal quality; To cultivate the rule, rule of culture, build the public opinion guide social advocate of the rule of law, practice strict rule of good atmosphere; Laying the foundation of law, and promote efforts to govern the city, continuously improve the party committees at all levels, the government according to the law governing, administration according to law, in accordance with the law of the ability and level.

Three, the main task
(a) around to carry forward the rule of law, the constitution and the authority of law, maintain carry out in-depth publicity of legal system education.
Strengthen the constitution and the basic law of national education, deepen the propaganda of socialist legal concept of learning and promotion, and further enhance the whole society's awareness http://www.wow77.com/ (wow gold) of the constitution and the rule of law idea; To strengthen the enforcement of the constitution and laws as to promote socialist spirit of the rule of the basic practice and make socialist law spirit into all the people's action; Strengthen the socialist law system with Chinese characteristics of learning propaganda, into learning propaganda socialist law system with Chinese characteristics of the formation of the important meaning, basic experience and its basic structure, basic characteristics; In-depth publicity national basic political legal system, strengthen the citizens' mind and the national consciousness, strengthening citizens shall exercise their democratic rights, consciously perform legal obligations, orderly to participate in social and political life ability; Strengthen citizen consciousness education, and actively advocate socialist democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, the idea of freedom and equality, enhancing citizens conscientiously study of the use of law-abiding honour consciousness, guide people express interest demand, rational to protect their own rights and interests; Pay attention to the legislative process, with law enforcement and judicial, law enforcement procedures, and the public's typical case of publicity, protect the constitution and the authority of law.
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