
World of Warcraft Karazhan Guide, Part 2 - Moroes Walkthrough

If you're looking for a World of Warcraft Karazhan guide and walkthrough for Moroes, then you've found the best on the internet.

After killing Attumen the Huntsman, go back to the entrance of Karazhan where you will find a stairway. It is crucial for this battle that all DPS and tanks have threatmeters like Omen. The trash requires some AoE and Moroes requires shackles and at least one interrupt, so I will go over the group composition.
Optimal Group Composition:

2 Tanks (crit immune)

3 Healers (2 priests needed between healers and DPS for shackles)

5 DPS (1-2 decent AoE mage/warlocks needed for trash)

The group should be geared decently in level 70 blues and maybe a few epics. That's all you really need up to this point.

Begin by pulling the trash in wow gold (http://www.flywowgold.com/) the room at the top of the steps. There are a few AoE packs here, they're easy packs of non-elites that shouldn't be too difficult unless you inadvertantly pull multiple groups. Also keep in mind that there are a few groups of elites here that do not need to be killed. I've pulled them accidentally thinking that they are AoE packs and wiped raids, don't be stupid like me. There are also a few single pull mobs in the room that can hit very hard, particularly the valets, so use caution and make sure to heal your tanks.

Once enough of the room is cleared to go into the room to the left, do so. This is the room where you can find Moroes, but there is still plenty of trash left to kill. There are a couple 2-pulls up against the wall on either side of the room, each of these guys hit like a truck and needs a tank. There are AoE packs at the dining tables that need to be AoE'd the same as you did with the earlier packs. There are also a few Skeletal Waiters meandering around. These guys use debuff on your tank called Brittle Bones that will cause their armor to decrease significantly. When a tank has this debuff on him, the other tank needs to tank whichever mobs the raid is on until the debuff wears off, as it can't be dispelled.

When the room is clear, you're left with Moroes and four adds. These adds are why you need the two priests for shackles. Both priests should ideally have a focus macro set up like this:

/clearfocus [modifier:shift] [target=focus,dead] [target=focus,noexists]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)

/cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead

With this, you just need to target your shackle and shackle it once, then the macro will automatically re-target and shackle whenever you click it. This way the priests don't need to constantly switch targets to keep their shackles up. You will need to kill 2 of the adds and shackle 2 of them. The 4 adds are random out of 6 different possibilities. The ones at the top of the list should be killed first, the ones at the bottom are the best to shackle:

Baroness Dorthea Millstipe (Shadow Priest)

Lady Catriona Von'Indi (Holy Priest)

Lady Keira Berrybuck (Holy Paladin)

Baron Rafe Dreuger (Retribution Paladin)

Lord Robin Daris (Arms Warrior)

Lord Crispin Ference (Protection Warrior)

The worst case situation would be to get the 2 warriors and the 2 paladins, though I have never had that happen. If you get either the holy priest or the holy paladin and aren't shackling them then you need to have a rogue on them in order to interrupt the heals (other classes with interrupts work as well).
Have your main tank go in and grab Moroes, then pull him to one side of the room. The mobs to be shackled should be shackled right away and kept shackled the entire. The offtank needs to tank whichever of the adds he is assigned to tank (whichever plate wearer that isn't being shackled, or the second add that you are going to kill). He brings the add over to the main tank and must immediately start attacking Moroes get up to second in threat on the boss and remain there while still tanking his add. After you get the adds down, it's time to focus on Moroes.

Moroes uses a couple of rogue abilities. He vanishes every minute or so and Garrotes a random raid member. This is a strong bleed effect. It can be removed by paladin shields, stoneform and ice block, but that's it. You just need to heal through this bleed. Sometimes if a healer gets it on them it may be useful for them to intentionally die wow gold (http://www.flywowgold.com/) and get battle rezzed, or intentionally die with a soulstone on them, as death also gets rid of the effect. Moroes also uses both Blind and Gouge against the tanks. This is why you need 2 tanks on Moroes, as he will use Gouge on the main tank and then attack whoever is second on aggro. Very rarely, he will Blind the offtank and then Gouge the main tank, then run off wreaking havoc. That's just bad luck and you can't do much about it about it other than dispel the blind as quickly as possible.

If you kill the 2 adds and keep the other 2 shackled then there's no reason you shouldn't be able to kill Moroes. Have your DPS hack away Moroes and once he dies, destroy the shackled adds one at a time (they don't despawn). After that, loot Moroes and enjoy all your shiny new epics.

